Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

B.Inggris Bisnis 2 ( Softskill )

Congratulations From Aqua Bottle
This short story is the story of facts that happened the same myself, the author. That comes from an AQUA.
On Friday night, the date may 4, 2012 at around 19.30 PM me with family gatherings, are originally accompanied'm rame "is playful, soon they all came home. I stay at home five people grandmother, father, mother, my brother and father and are out of the House and at home we only list four people watch tv, while watching tv my sister that age range 11 years when it plays a little aqua bottle containing water a little,my sister intentionally throw the aqua-sheet to the air that never thought that aqua will fall where it may also a small child at the moment, and finally throwing up and fell to the bottom fell right in my eyebrows *bluuuk precisely over the eyes, well then I feel like the shock might hit her nerve fibres and then I cried finds a little shortness of breath. Grandma said "you've don't cry sister accidentally" and at that moment I could not talk just heaved a breath as out of breath and said "mom you why?" and then I just heard without I can answer because the breath that is too congested. And then the three of them can only cry and soothe me, at that moment I could not only hear the bus said a broken Word. The body felt limp helpless.
Shortly dad comes home and asks for "the brother why?" and the mother did not answer just panic and cry, and dad rushed in to revive the car to take me to the hospital, but before I was brought to the hospital's father calling the repairman sort whose house was not far from my house, and sort any coming and massaging feet below knee leg mijat shoulders even squeeze in a thumb with the rigors of but my eyes still unable to literate so they panic, the situation is still like that I finally brought to the hospital, probably because they all freaked out so everything is gathered in the family home of the young and old who come to the hospital only a few people only, while a trip to the hospital my leg cramps all start and could not be when my mind motion that is just my fear of death is so going to die even if the shortest living thoughts that is lame, because I was really limp Finally, I am until the hospital and ER direct entry and immediately given oxygen and follow orders from the doctors to arrange for the breath and the doctor whispered "you wake up, open their eyes people who are dear to you equal all cry" and I had the tears gushed out and tried to open my eyes slowly the eye can see and so many people waiting I realized and everything cry , with eyes open but each feels shortness of breath and I closed my eyes again, and at that time I still can talk, belom somehow because I new this time felt like it, and the doctor said "you why? don't a lot of thoughts well, amu again had big problems well? "but for the sake of whatever it was I was fine without any problems at all.
An hour later the oxygen went off and the doctor holding my wrist tightly whisper " the lid your eyes, remove everything on your mind, relax your body, relax your tense not carried and relax your" looks like I'm hypnotized indeed seemed limp and finally my hand could move, and the eye can be refreshed to see people who are dear to me everything is assembled. And when I opened my eyes there is a handsome guy haha that is my girlfriend, she's mysterious father. Dad said "Daddy calls her father feared because you die but he do not see the " oath the father is very painful which words thought I died hahaha

I've been able to smile and be sweet tea and tried to sit down and finally can and when I realized the doctor joked and said "try his hands lifting her finger count how many?" and I just frown and answer auuu ah. hahaha originally mother father ask me in a desirable but I feel there is not something I feel and finally I am home and again when the doctor said "may return the requirement of tea sweetness abisin well" and I answer my yaudah sweet tea takeout ajah Yes hahaha. doc. I just give a salve for my eyebrown a little bruised. Before I went home I ask for into the toilet and my own way and they see me and saying "si neng's last in the ER? already recovered? ngagetin ajah neng.. with amazingly. .. hahahah And finally I came home and so many relatives who waited, even just coming down from all of his car came up and hugged while nangi and say yes "God bless you, o God" and I said I do not why-why you've not at nangis. But I was thrilled and crying, and all that stuff that tells the gatherings occur, in fact I tell you from the beginning is not something that I feel but the story of all who saw this incident. .. hahaha That funny thing is probably more as I swoop my feet either on what time I brush into the shower and wash the feet of his forgiveness and asked the digin said earlier I am shivering and by eucalyptus oil and counterpain haha And not feel it late at night and they broke up and I was sleeping soundly

The morning was come up with bright airport I woke up that day, happened to mention holiday lectures, always remember this holiday for sure the laundry the same iron, but fitting I see an outfit washer was just a little bit, so I'm minded to scrub my clothes, and I began to irons and my brother said "people still sick panic ye iron shirt " hahah From this incident so many lessons I can , this might be a reprimand from God Almighty to make me more diligent to work on his command and stay away from the restriction, and the more I can see so many people who are dear to me who do not want to lose me.
Father mother grandparents and even naughty sister who also was crying not stopping either because unfortunately either because feeling guilty. .. hahaha
So experience I had ever experienced it survives from the Aqua bottle.